Friday, 15 November 2019

Lovefly blog - fear of flying rituals

People who are scared of flying sometimes perform rituals to make themselves feel safe.  (This is not sacrificing a goat or something extreme like that...)

Rituals are patterns of behaviour that we consciously or unconsciously do to keep us 'safe' when we fly.  Here are some examples (below) that we have come across over the years. You may recognise yourself or indeed, you might have your own versions?

  • Only flying during the day (night is much more dangerous for aircraft!)
  • Never sit by a window
  • Sit over the wing (I Must)
  • Checking the weather a lot before you fly
  • Never sit in row 13 (if there is one - this is a UK thing)
  • Never flying a low cost carrier 
  • Not going to the toilet for a whole flight
  • Wearing 'lucky' items or garments (rabbits foot, certain necklace, lucky trousers)
  • Making sure 'all your affairs are in order' before you fly anywhere (just in case...)
  • Watching the cabin crew doing their job for the whole flight - just in case they give away impending disaster signs on their faces
  • 'Concentrating' during the whole flight to make sure the flight is safe.  Quite possibly, whilst your selfish partner snores next to you
None of the above are intended disrespectfully. These are real things that people have told us they do...

Psst, here is a secret...They don't make any difference to your safety whatsoever and your chances of landing or not...

Take care

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