Saturday, 11 January 2020

Lovefly Blog - Iran Ukrainian Plane Crash

The Ukrainian aircraft crash will have disturbed a lot of people - not just those with a fear of flying.  Here are our thoughts on this terrible tragedy.

According to the reports I have read on BBC website (UK) today, Iran has allegedly admitted that they 'unintentionally shot it down.'  Whether this becomes defined as an act of war or terrorism, is for others to decide.

For us, in commercial aviation, this is what will happen.

As with all incidents and accidents, we learn from them.  Aircraft routing will be changed to ensure we all fly in safe areas. There will be known 'no fly areas' that all commercial airlines will share and adhere to.  This is something that will be constantly reviewed and adjusted - as it always is.

Our thoughts are now with the families of those poor people who lost their lives.  For the rest of us,  we must carry on out of respect to them.  We cannot let bullies or extremists from stopping us go about our lives.  Commercial aviation is still incredibly safe and incidents like this are thankfully, extremely rare.   

For those of you reading this with a fear of flying, please do one thing.  Do not read, view, listen or engage in any reporting of this tragedy.   It will not help your fear of flying and in fact, you will be 'feeding the fear.'

Hope that found that helpful.

Take care,
The LoveFly Team


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