Saturday 31 October 2020

Lovefly® Blog - New Fear of Flying Book

It has taken a while but it is now out and available...The new Paul Tizzard book for nervous flyers.  'Helping You To Overcome Fear of Flying.'  This combines Paul's 24 year's experience of helping people with a fear of flying.  Full of some straight talking help, some of the very things that nervous people say to us... and lots of top tips.

Available as:

Audio book, Kindle book and Paperback version - Link 

978-1513668482 ISBN

Thank you,


Fear of flying coach, Lovefly® Team 

Don't forget, there is lots of free help available too:

  • We have helpful blogs you can read
  • We are recording podcasts regularly on helpful topics for the nervous flyer.  Search 'Lovefly' on Podbean, Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts (
  • We have and will run webinars around fear of flying areas people want to know about and more information is on our website 

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