Saturday 28 November 2020

Lovefly® Blog - The top fears of flying

What are the top fears of flying?

I have answered this in my recent podcast and here is a summary of my thoughts:

Fear no.1 - Not being in control

This is not one that people tend to say first when asked. However, in our experience, it is a big part of what underpins their fears of flying.  You are not in control when you fly...we are pleased about this. Let's leave it to the professionals...  

Fear no.2 - Turbulence/Weather/Lightning

This one always comes high up the list. It is linked to the first one in some ways but gets its own category.  People are very fearful of the weather generally, in particular, turbulence. What makes it so it safe...are we in danger?  Remember, turbulence can be uncomfortable but is not dangerous. (as long as you have your seat belt on)

Fear no.3 - Enclosed Spaces/Claustrophobia

This is a key fear for many people. Often, it extends beyond flying. It is normally triggered when the passenger walks down the tunnel, as they walk through the entry door or, when they see one aisle not two aisles...also, the door closing is a big moment for triggering this fear. 

Fear no.4 - Heights

This is sometimes mentioned by the nervous flyer. People with a fear of heights will not look out of the window or, walk around during the flight. I talk about this in more detail on the podcast.

Fear no.5 - Fear of Falling/Crashing

I didn't talk about this on the podcast. I see this as a given, the underlying fear under the fears. I am out of control on this flight and the worst that could happen is to crash.  Blunt but the truth is it not?

Fear no.6 - Air Quality/Covid

The fear surrounding air has been known for a while. Many people tell us, over the years, they worry about running out of air.  We are at the beginning stages of getting more research around Covid and Fear of Flying.  It is definitely a factor at the moment. What we don't know is, whether it will still be a fear in the future. Watch this space...

Fear no.7 - Terrorism

This is not as big a fear as you might expect. I always think that people will bring this up a lot more than they do. If it is your fear, it is normally really pronounced. Most nervous flyers will say they think about it, a bit, but not tons.


As I have said for years, you were not born with this fear of flying. It is something that was learned at some point in your life. It is never too late to learn something new...learn new ways to approach the fear.

Take care,
Fear of Flying Coach
Lovefly Team

Push the Help Button - Free Resources to Help You

Over 20 year's of helping people to beat their fear of tips put together just to help you towards getting rid of your fear completely.    Free audiobook available on Spotify and also free download on new App Search app store 'Lovefly.'

Free eBook containing all of my top tips to help you with your fear of flying...go to to download

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