Saturday, 23 January 2021

Lovefly® Blog - Stay With the Discomfort

 Stay with the discomfort...

When working towards being free of fear, any fear, it can be uncomfortable.  We have witnessed this over the last 20+ years time and time again when people face their fear of flying.

You might be thinking - 'That is so Captain Obvious!'  Tell us something we don't know...

Beating a fear of flying means staying with the discomfort. As you start to think more and more about flying, getting onto an aircraft, sitting in a seat, them closing the will make you feel uncomfortable for a while.  Your brain, desperate to protect you from discomfort, will want you to run away and avoid feeling uncomfortable. This is a normal and important part of the process.

Changing automatic patterns of behaviour takes some time.  In fact, you need to stick with it in spite of feeling rubbish.  Another way to look at the discomfort is this way - you are doing the right thing. You are doing the right work towards getting rid of the fear. If you think about flying with no discomfort then, you are not even entertaining the possibility of flying whatsoever.  

So, in summary, stay with the discomfort. It shows progress. On the other side of discomfort is a great place.

Take care,

Paul and the Lovefly Team


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