Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Lovefly® Blog - Top 10 Fear of Flying Questions Answered

The Top 10 Questions we answered:

  1. What is turbulence/Is it dangerous?
  2. Why should I trust pilots?
  3. What airlines are safest to fly with?
  4. What is in place to guard against terrorism?
  5. What happens if engines stop working?
  6. How safe is it to fly during covid?
  7. What causes the fear of flying?
  8. Why can't I relax on a flight?
  9. How can I learn to like flying?
  10. What is the best thing to do to beat my fear of flying?

Future Course Dates:

Half Day Webinars £49Link

28th April 2021

23rd May 2021

27th June 2021

Facebook Group 'Lovefly Overcome Fear of Flying'

Free Book 'Helping You to Overcome Fear of Flying' Link Written by Fear of Flying Coach Paul Tizzard with Foreword by Sir Richard Branson

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