Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Lovefly® Blog - Fred Finn World's Most Travelled Person

 This week, I had the massive fortune of being able to speak with Fred Finn... Who is Fred?

Guinness World Record 'World's Most Travelled Person' (15 Million Miles)

718 Flights in Concorde

Fred is an absolute gentleman and if you are a nervous flyer, you should definitely listen to his podcast. I had to cut him off (regrettably) as he SO many great stories from his travels.  The people he has met whilst flying around the world. His Concorde flights and chats with Sir Richard Branson...Plus, he has been in an actual aircraft incident (no-wheel landing) and got straight back onto another flight!  

Podcast Link  Or go to Spotify, iTunes 'Lovefly Fear of Flying'


You may have missed this from Facebook Group... Interesting safety stats:

'... an article from Airline Ratings. Our friends at IATA quoted as saying this: IATA says that a person would have to travel by air every day for 461 years before experiencing an accident with at least one fatality. And on average, a person would have to travel every day for 20,932 years to experience a 100 per cent fatal accident.'

Information to help you

Future Course Dates:

Half Day Webinars £49 - Link

25th April 2021

23rd May 2021

27th June 2021

Facebook Group 'Lovefly Overcome Fear of Flying' Join the group for news of FREE webinars and information.

Free Book 'Helping You to Overcome Fear of Flying' Link Written by Fear of Flying Coach Paul Tizzard with Foreword by Sir Richard Branson

Podcast - 'Lovefly Fear of Flying'  on Spotify, Podbean, Amazon etc.

iPhone App - 'Lovefly Fear of Flying'

Take care,

Paul and the lovefly team

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